
We celebrate the spirit of our rich and diverse heritage. Alive with history at every turn and welcoming to all, we’re both a destination neighbourhood and a place to call home.
The history of the Corso Italia neighbourhood stretches back to the shores of the glacial Lake Iroquois, which carved out the Davenport Bluffs during the last Ice Age. Generations of families have made their homes here for over 10,000 years. Since the nineteenth century, Corso Italia has served as an entryway into Toronto for thousands of immigrants and newcomers to Canada.
Just like its residents, Corso Italia has continued to evolve through the years. At one time the largest Italian community in the city, Corso was the destination for shoes and wedding dresses, cafés and espresso — and a welcoming community. Later, new Canadians from Portugal and Latin America moved to the area, adding Spanish and Portuguese to the Italian soundscape of the neighbourhood.
Corso Italia today is a vibrant mixed community of young families, single people, and retired couples. While fewer new immigrant families are settling in the neighbourhood, over three-quarters of the residents are first- or second-generation immigrants. Today, Corso Italia is a neighbourhood in transition, rich in opportunities for current and new residents. It remains a place of welcome and a home for all.